Environment & Social
The BMP is the most far-reaching and ambitious expansion project ever undertaken by Bapco Refining and will transform the company and bring a wealth of benefits to the Bahraini economy. This multi-billion dollar investment, involving 23,000+ contractors at peak construction, includes up to a 42% increase in refinery crude capacity.

Bapco Refining and its BMP project were awarded two prestigious certificates by the British Safety Council for receiving a Five Star grading as part of the Five Star Occupational Health & Safety Audit, as well as the prestigious “Sword of Honour 2024 Award”.
Bapco Refining recognizes its responsibility to the environment and society, and has taken great strides to ensure that it undertakes the BMP in an environmentally responsible manner while guaranteeing appropriate community outreach.
The BMP’s facilities were designed in full compliance with Bahraini legislation and in-line with international guidance requirements, such as the World Bank’s Equator Principles and the IFC Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Petroleum Refining.
Efficient new process units built for the BMP, and the decommissioning of several older units, will substantially improve the company’s impacts on air quality. The new closed loop desalinated cooling water system will also reduce treated wastewater discharged to the sea by 50% per barrel of production.
As the BMP will have a far-reaching influence on the Kingdom, Bapco Refining has taken the initiative to communicate openly and transparently with the public. Several studies undertaken for the project, such as the BMP’s Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIM), and Social Impact Assessment (SIA), are openly available (see the Environment and Community pages for more info).
The company has placed several communication channels to allow direct communication between the public and the project team. You can find more details concerning this on the Community page.