What we do

To be recognised as a dynamic and empowering national energy company competing globally
To sustainably manage and operate an integrated energy business, leveraging best practices and creating value for shareholders, customers and employees
Bringing energy to the world for the enduring prosperity of the Kingdom of Bahrain
Staying ahead of our customers’ energy needs
Enterprising, Trusted, Committed
Empowering Progress
A world class safe and sustainable enterprise that provides a solid foundation for realizing Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030.

Well-trained, highly skilled and motivated workforce of Bahrainis and multi-cultural professionals reflecting the diversity of Bapco’s customer base.

Leveraging best practices to manage risks, and add value in a fast changing and evolving market.

Bahrain Lube Base Oil Company B.S.C. (Closed) (BLBOC) is a first company of its kind in the region when it was formed in 2009 to build a lube base oil plant manufacturing Group III base oils from the hydrocracker bottoms stream at the Bapco refinery using Chevron Lummus Global ISO Dewaxing Technology along with associated export facilities.
Today, nogaholding owns 72.5 percent of the issued share capital in BLBOC, with the remaining 27.5 percent owned by Bapco.
The production capacity of the Lube Base Oil Plant is 400,000 tonnes a year of Very High Viscosity Index (VHVI), Group III Base Oils. These products are in increasingly high demand in Europe and North America, and serve to meet the requirements of the next generation of lubricant performance and environmental standards. Commercial sales by Bapco of its own branded BAPbase® base oils started in January 2018.

Bahrain Gasoline Blending W.L.L. (BGB) is a joint venture formed in 2016 between nogaholding, Bapco and UK based Greenergy with a goal of optimising and expanding the domestic gasoline business. Operations commenced in February 2017, using Greenergy’s unique blending capability and Bapco’s existing refinery infrastructure to produce and blend gasoline while also bolstering Bahrain’s gasoline supply resilience. The entire risk exposure of the business is managed, and plans are already underway to upgrade facilities and expand the business.
Further information is available at https://www.bgb.bh