Bapco Refining’s success over the last 90 years has been largely due to the talented and diverse workforce that populate the company’s operations. Bapco Refining takes great pride in its people and has invested in their growth, supported them in their professional journey, and helped them to contribute towards making Bapco Refining a great place to work and live. The history of Bapco Refining is also the story of many men and women who each played a part in setting up one of the most modern and socially responsible workplaces in the region.

Bapco Refining has been built on a strong legacy of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. Sound environmental management has always been an integral part of the company’s Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) policy, and a vital component in its Key Performance Indicators. From the start of the new millennium, Bapco Refining has invested more than US$ 320 million in the best available technology (without direct economic return) to ensure compliance with local regulations and international standards for land, air and water.
Bapco Refining’s environmental initiatives and programmes target both internal and external stakeholders. The educational ‘Green School Awards Scheme’ launched in 2005, encourages the next generation to develop innovative environmental solutions that can be implemented in their respective schools or community. In February 2017, a continuous ‘Waste Segregation and Recycling Program’ was launched at the company’s premises. This initiative was aimed at reducing the amount of office waste going to landfill on a daily basis. This step is not only helping the company in the reduction of greenhouse gases and other pollutants that result from landfill, but also in conserving resources and support in cost saving. The employee awareness and behavioural changes associated with recycling extend to their families and the community at large.
The Bapco Modernisation Programme (BMP) is designed to meet and exceed local and international regulations on environmental footprints, and more than 50 environmental and social studies and plans were completed. The refinery’s Energy Efficiency Index, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrous Oxide (NOx) emissions and treated wastewater discharged to the sea reduce significantly despite the refinery throughput increase. The project will rehabilitate the soil and improve its quality, support biodiversity through further plantation of mangroves (a programme that originally started in 2018) and ensure limited noise impact during both construction and operation phases. Please see BMP's environmental section for further information.
Bapco’s 2nd Sustainability Report for the Year 2020-2021 demonstrates our commitment towards the goal of Sustainable Development and highlights our positive contributions across the three pillars of sustainability i.e. economic, environment and social aspects related to the organization’s business. The report is written to meet the requirements of Comprehensive Level as per the internationally recognized Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards for sustainability reporting.